The Slow Label Woven Scarf Navy

Woven Scarf Navy

95at The Slow Label
Last info update: 495 day(s) ago
Sustainable Values

Because this product contains recycled wool, it is created from existing wool from both pre-consumer sources, such as factory scraps, and post-consumer ones, such as returned garments. Buying this product helps to repurpose discarded material that would otherwise end up in the landfill

This product contains recycled cashmere which is made from either post-industrial or post-consumer cashmere. Post-industrial waste comes from waste that is leftover from manufacturing industries. Post consumer waste is material discarded after someone uses it. Both take no additional resources or energy to create, because they already exist! This gives waste a new purpose, recycling material, and contributing to circular fashion

The artisans and manufacturers The Slow Label works with are the foundation of their business. They value the close relationship they have with their production teams around Europe and Morocco. They currently have a carefully selected network of manufacturers and suppliers in Germany, Austria, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia. They disclose their supply chains on their product pages and seek to visit each manufacturer they work with at least once a year, ensuring their ethical labor practices

Because this product is made with recycled wool, it offers only cashmere from post consumer or post industrial goods, with no new animal input

Because this product is made from recycled cashmere, it offers only cashmere from post consumer or post industrial goods, with no new animal input

What others think
(1) - 100% positive
🔍 Transparency
🌍 Values and trust
📦 Packaging
⌛ Durability
🤞 Commitment