Recycled Cashmere

Recycled Cashmere

responsible animal origin
Recycled Cashmere

Recycled cashmere is made from discarded cashmere material. Cashmere is a natural protein fiber that comes from the Cashmere goat.

Recycled cashmere is made from either post-industrial or post-consumer cashmere. Post-industrial waste comes from waste that is leftover from manufacturing industries. Post consumer waste is material discarded after someone uses it. Both take no additional resources or energy to create, because they already exist! This gives waste a new purpose, keeping material in the loop for longer, and contributing to circular fashion. The process starts with painstakingly sorting through discarded cashmere fibers, then shredding the fibers, and re-spinning them to become a wonderfully soft sweater or other wardrobe favourites!

Recycled Cashmere is also very durable and resilient, meaning it can last ages in your closet, unless the moths get to it! It is also incredibly warm and cozy, as it is 8x warmer than sheep wool and notoriously soft.

Recycled cashmere can be recycled again and again, creating a new Recycled cashmere clothing. It is also a bio-based material, making it biodegradable, so it can fully decompose when it has grown too old to be recycled again.


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